#if defined(__AVR) #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #else #define strncasecmp_P(a, b, c) strncasecmp(a, b, c) #endif #include <ctype.h> #include "PubNub.h" // #define PUBNUB_DEBUG 1 #ifdef PUBNUB_DEBUG #define DBGprint(x...) Serial.print(x) #define DBGprintln(x...) Serial.println(x) #else #define DBGprint(x...) #define DBGprintln(x...) #endif /* There are some special considerations when using the WiFi libary, * compared to the Ethernet library: * * (i) The client object may return stale data from previous connection, * so we should call .flush() after initiating a connection. * * (ii) It appears .stop() does not block on really terminating * the connection, do that manually. * * (iii) Data may still be available while connected() returns false * already; use available() test on a lot of places where we used * connected() before. */ class PubNub PubNub; bool PubNub::begin(const char *publish_key_, const char *subscribe_key_, const char *origin_) { publish_key = publish_key_; subscribe_key = subscribe_key_; origin = origin_; uuid = NULL; } void PubNub::set_uuid(const char *uuid_) { uuid = uuid_; } PubNub_BASE_CLIENT *PubNub::publish(const char *channel, const char *message, int timeout) { PubNub_BASE_CLIENT &client = publish_client; unsigned long t_start; retry: t_start = millis(); /* connect() timeout is about 30s, much lower than our usual * timeout is. */ if (!client.connect(origin, 80)) { DBGprintln("Connection error"); client.stop(); return NULL; } client.flush(); client.print("GET /publish/"); client.print(publish_key); client.print("/"); client.print(subscribe_key); client.print("/0/"); client.print(channel); client.print("/0/"); /* Inject message, URI-escaping it in the process. * We are careful to save RAM by not using any copies * of the string or explicit buffers. */ const char *pmessage = message; while (pmessage[0]) { /* RFC 3986 Unreserved characters plus few * safe reserved ones. */ size_t okspan = strspn(pmessage, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.~" ",=:;@[]"); if (okspan > 0) { client.write((const uint8_t *) pmessage, okspan); pmessage += okspan; } if (pmessage[0]) { /* %-encode a non-ok character. */ char enc[3] = {'%'}; enc[1] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[pmessage[0] / 16]; enc[2] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[pmessage[0] % 16]; client.write((const uint8_t *) enc, 3); pmessage++; } } enum PubNub_BH ret = this->_request_bh(client, t_start, timeout, '?'); switch (ret) { case PubNub_BH_OK: /* Success and reached body, return handle to the client * for further perusal. */ return &client; case PubNub_BH_ERROR: /* Failure. */ client.stop(); while (client.connected()) ; return NULL; case PubNub_BH_TIMEOUT: /* Time out. Try again. */ client.stop(); while (client.connected()) ; goto retry; } } PubSubClient *PubNub::subscribe(const char *channel, int timeout) { PubSubClient &client = subscribe_client; unsigned long t_start; retry: t_start = millis(); /* connect() timeout is about 30s, much lower than our usual * timeout is. */ if (!client.connect(origin, 80)) { DBGprintln("Connection error"); client.stop(); return NULL; } client.flush(); client.print("GET /subscribe/"); client.print(subscribe_key); client.print("/"); client.print(channel); client.print("/0/"); client.print(client.server_timetoken()); if (uuid) { client.print("?uuid="); client.print(uuid); } enum PubNub_BH ret = this->_request_bh(client, t_start, timeout, uuid ? '&' : '?'); switch (ret) { case PubNub_BH_OK: /* Success and reached body. We need to eat '[' first, * as our API contract is to return only the "message body" * part of reply from subscribe. */ if (!client.wait_for_data() || client.read() != '[') { /* Something unexpected. */ DBGprintln("Unexpected body in subscribe"); client.stop(); while (client.connected()) ; return NULL; } /* Now return handle to the client for further perusal. * PubSubClient class will make sure that the client does * not see the time token but we stop right after the * message body. */ client.start_body(); return &client; case PubNub_BH_ERROR: /* Failure. */ client.stop(); while (client.connected()) ; return NULL; case PubNub_BH_TIMEOUT: /* Time out. Try again. */ client.stop(); while (client.connected()) ; goto retry; } } PubNub_BASE_CLIENT *PubNub::history(const char *channel, int limit, int timeout) { PubNub_BASE_CLIENT &client = history_client; unsigned long t_start; retry: t_start = millis(); if (!client.connect(origin, 80)) { DBGprintln("Connection error"); client.stop(); return NULL; } client.flush(); client.print("GET /history/"); client.print(subscribe_key); client.print("/"); client.print(channel); client.print("/0/"); client.print(limit, DEC); enum PubNub_BH ret = this->_request_bh(client, t_start, timeout, '?'); switch (ret) { case PubNub_BH_OK: /* Success and reached body, return handle to the client * for further perusal. */ return &client; case PubNub_BH_ERROR: /* Failure. */ client.stop(); while (client.connected()) ; return NULL; case PubNub_BH_TIMEOUT: /* Time out. Try again. */ client.stop(); while (client.connected()) ; goto retry; } } enum PubNub_BH PubNub::_request_bh(PubNub_BASE_CLIENT &client, unsigned long t_start, int timeout, char qparsep) { /* Finish the first line of the request. */ client.print(qparsep); client.print("pnsdk=PubNub-Arduino/1.0 HTTP/1.1\r\n"); /* Finish HTTP request. */ client.print("Host: "); client.print(origin); client.print("\r\nUser-Agent: PubNub-Arduino/1.0\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"); #define WAIT() do { \ while (!client.available()) { \ /* wait, just check for timeout */ \ if (millis() - t_start > (unsigned long) timeout * 1000) { \ DBGprintln("Timeout in bottom half"); \ return PubNub_BH_TIMEOUT; \ } \ if (!client.connected()) { \ /* Oops, connection interrupted. */ \ DBGprintln("Connection reset in bottom half"); \ return PubNub_BH_ERROR; \ } \ } \ } while (0) /* Read first line with HTTP code. */ /* "HTTP/1.x " */ do { WAIT(); } while (client.read() != ' '); /* Now, first digit of HTTP code. */ WAIT(); char c = client.read(); if (c != '2') { /* HTTP code that is NOT 2xx means trouble. * kthxbai */ DBGprint("Wrong HTTP status first digit "); DBGprint((int) c, DEC); DBGprintln(" in bottom half"); return PubNub_BH_ERROR; } /* Now, we enter in a state machine that shall guide us through * the remaining headers to the beginning of the body. */ enum { RS_SKIPLINE, /* Skip the rest of this line. */ RS_LOADLINE, /* Try loading the line in a buffer. */ } request_state = RS_SKIPLINE; /* Skip the rest of status line first. */ bool chunked = false; while (client.connected() || client.available()) { /* Let's hope there is no stray LF without CR. */ if (request_state == RS_SKIPLINE) { do { WAIT(); } while (client.read() != '\n'); request_state = RS_LOADLINE; } else { /* request_state == RS_LOADLINE */ /* line[] must be enough to hold * Transfer-Encoding: chunked (or \r\n) */ const static char PROGMEM chunked_str[] = "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"; char line[sizeof(chunked_str)]; /* Not NUL-terminated! */ int linelen = 0; char ch = 0; do { WAIT(); ch = client.read(); line[linelen++] = ch; if (linelen == strlen_P(chunked_str) && !strncasecmp_P(line, chunked_str, linelen)) { /* Chunked encoding header. */ chunked = true; break; } } while (ch != '\n' && linelen < sizeof(line)); if (ch != '\n') { /* We are not at the end of the line yet. * Skip the rest of the line. */ request_state = RS_SKIPLINE; } else if (linelen == 2 && line[0] == '\r') { /* Empty line. This means headers end. */ break; } } } if (chunked) { /* There is one extra line due to Transfer-encoding: chunked. * Our minimalistic support means that we hope for just * a single chunk, just skip the first line after header. */ do { WAIT(); } while (client.read() != '\n'); } /* Body begins now. */ return PubNub_BH_OK; } int PubSubClient::read() { int c = PubNub_BASE_CLIENT::read(); if (!json_enabled || c == -1) return c; this->_state_input(c, NULL, 0); return c; } int PubSubClient::read(uint8_t *buf, size_t size) { int len = PubNub_BASE_CLIENT::read(buf, size); if (!json_enabled || len <= 0) return len; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { this->_state_input(buf[i], &buf[i+1], len - i - 1); if (!available() && !connected()) { /* We have hit the end somewhere in this buffer. * From user perspective, only characters up to * index i are valid. */ return i + 1; } } return len; } bool PubSubClient::wait_for_data(int timeout) { unsigned long t_start = millis(); while (connected() && !available()) { if (millis() - t_start > (unsigned long) timeout * 1000) return false; /* Time out. */ } return available(); } void PubSubClient::stop() { if ((!available() && !connected()) || !json_enabled) { PubNub_BASE_CLIENT::stop(); return; } /* We are still connected. Read the rest of the stream so that * we catch the timetoken. */ while (wait_for_data()) { char ch = read(); this->_state_input(ch, NULL, 0); } json_enabled = false; } void PubSubClient::start_body() { json_enabled = true; in_string = after_backslash = false; braces_depth = 0; } void PubSubClient::_state_input(uint8_t ch, uint8_t *nextbuf, size_t nextsize) { /* Process a single character on input, updating the JSON * state machine. If we reached the last character of input * (just before expected ","), we will eat the rest of the body, * update timetoken and close the connection. */ if (in_string) { if (after_backslash) { /* Whatever this is... */ after_backslash = false; return; } switch (ch) { case '"': in_string = false; if (braces_depth == 0) goto body_end; return; case '\\': after_backslash = true; return; default: return; } } else { switch (ch) { case '"': in_string = true; return; case '{': case '[': braces_depth++; return; case '}': case ']': braces_depth--; if (braces_depth <= 0) goto body_end; return; default: return; } } return; body_end: /* End of data here. */ this->_grab_timetoken(nextbuf, nextsize); } void PubSubClient::_grab_timetoken(uint8_t *nextbuf, size_t nextsize) { char new_timetoken[22]; size_t new_timetoken_len = 0; /* Expected followup now is: * ,"13511688131075270"] */ /* Somewhat unwieldy macros that will first exhaust nextbuf[], * then read directly from socket. */ #define WAIT() do { \ if (nextsize > 0) \ break; \ if (!wait_for_data()) { \ /* Oops, connection interrupted. */ \ return; \ } \ } while (0) #define GETCHAR() (nextsize > 0 ? (nextsize--, *nextbuf++) : read()) do { WAIT(); } while (GETCHAR() != ','); do { WAIT(); } while (GETCHAR() != '"'); do { WAIT(); char ch = GETCHAR(); if (ch == '"') break; new_timetoken[new_timetoken_len++] = ch; if (new_timetoken_len >= sizeof(new_timetoken) - 1) break; } while (1); memcpy(timetoken, new_timetoken, new_timetoken_len); timetoken[new_timetoken_len] = 0; }