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It's funny goodluck flagyl injection in urdu IBM is reaping the results of its aggressive (some would say overly-aggressive) cost-cutting over the past several years. They have a plan (publicly made available as the “2015 roadmap”) to double their earnings per share from 2011-2015 without growing their revenue. Any ordinary person can see that the only way schemes like this can be accomplished is by cutting so deeply that they cripple their own ability to beat their competitors with high-quality, innovative products — which is where “quality” earnings actually come from, not the “cheap, flash-in-the-pan” earnings that come from cost-cutting alone. Why would the company do this to itself? Well, the people making the decisions are paid based on how much earnings per share are increased, not on the long-term health of the company, so of course they’re going to increase earnings per share…nevermind the long-term impacts. And when the whole thing comes crashing down, they’re going to say “how were we supposed to know?” Stupid, stupid.
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